Defective Product

How Safe Are Your Child’s Toys?

Children need toys to shape their imagination and learn life skills, like sharing and responsibility. As parents, we encourage that play. To our children’s delight, we’ll have a tea party on the living room floor and hold our ears when they power up the play power drill. We will help our son put together his Lego Death Star and help the baby put together her farm puzzle.

What if the toys they so love are not safe? We have such confidence when buying these toys. We see them on the shelves and assume they must be safe. Why would a toy be there if it didn’t pass all the inspections and other safety measures?

Well, the short answer is that it may not have been inspected at all. Due to the coronavirus, toy inspections have dropped significantly this year.

The farm puzzle for your toddler looks great. It’s made of the wood that Montessori herself would be proud to give to her students. However, due to mass production, that image of a cow is a rather large sticker that your mouth-prone toddler can easily peel off and choke. The toy tool set your son loves banging away on seems like a great pretend playset. However, that wooden hammer just chipped and sent a shard of wood right in his eye. Now you’re at the emergency room planning a backyard fire with every wooden toy in the house.

Children and rough and tumble little explorers. They shouldn’t have to worry about being injured by their toys. At Solomon, Sherman, and Gabay, we understand injuries can happen any time. If you or a loved one has been hurt, you need a personal injury lawyer in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Solomon, Sherman, and Gabay will secure the compensation you deserve for another’s negligence. Don’t hesitate; call us today.

Toys that Kill

The CPSC has seen increasing deaths among children related to defective and unsafe toys. This worrying statistic is backed by a three-year study showing children are killed every day by motorized scooters and cars. Most of the hazards by toys threaten to constrict airways. Choking hazards aren’t limited to babies and toddlers. Children as old as 8-years-old have absentmindedly chewed on a toy only to have a piece break off down their throat and cut off the air supply. Even thoroughly inspected toys have claimed the lives of children. Now that inspections have plummeted, what are the risks to your child?

The CPSC Stopped Inspections for Half the Year

The CPSC has long been responsible for toy inspections. We have put so much trust in the Consumer Product Safety Commission that we regularly check their recall lists before making toy purchases. However, no one could have foreseen how badly the coronavirus would rip through our country.

  • Initially, inspections averaged 3,000 a month
  • After just a few months of the virus, inspections dropped to a mere 100 a month
  • By the end of August, the toys that we put in our children’s hands only saw 47 inspections a month

How Do We Protect Our Children?

We can no longer put all our faith in the toys on the shelves. We need to examine them and think about our children and the possible outcomes. Do you have an orally fixated toddler? Skip any toys with peelable stickers or pieces that can break off and choke them. Have a box of toys that can only be used under supervision and a box of free play toys.

If you do find yourself in the emergency room due to a defective or hazardous toy, the attorneys at Solomon, Sherman, and Gabay are here for you. You take care of your child. We’ll handle the rest. When you need a defective product attorney in Philadelphia, call Solomon, Sherman, and Gabay today. We will fight for you and see that you receive compensation for:

  • Medical bills
  • Loss of earnings if you are unable to work
  • Pain and suffering damages
  • Possible punitive damages

You can contact us for a free consultation of your case by clicking here or calling 215-665-1100.