Philadelphia, PA Elder Abuse Attorney

Elderly adults deserve dignity and respect. Unfortunately, far too often, we learn about incidents of elder abuse that are absolutely abhorrent. At Solomon, Sherman, Gabay, Briskin & Sherman, our team is here to help if you need a Philadelphia elder abuse attorney. We know that the abuse of older adults in this city can occur in an in-home setting, in hospitals, and at nursing homes or other types of assisted living facilities. We are ready to fully investigate these claims to help ensure that elderly abuse survivors receive the compensation and justice they are entitled to.

What constitutes elder abuse in Philadelphia?

When we turn to data available from the National Council on Aging, we can see that around one out of every ten Americans over the age of 60 have experienced some form of elder abuse. The National Council has said that as many as five million elderly people are abused each year in this country. Unfortunately, the information we have about elder abuse is likely vastly underreported. Other studies show that only one out of every 24 cases of elder abuse are actually reported to authorities.

When we look at the information available from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), we see that the most common types of elder abuse include the following:

  • Physical abuse: This includes any type of intentional infliction of pain on an elderly person, including punching, slapping, burning, pulling, kicking, pushing, etc.
  • Sexual abuse: This involves any forced or unwanted sexual interaction of any kind with an elderly person. This can include physical sexual contact as well as non-physical sexual harassment.
  • Emotional and psychological abuse: This can refer to various types of verbal or non-verbal behaviors that are meant to inflict mental pain, fear, distress, or anguish on an older adult. This includes verbal and non-verbal threats, harassment, isolation, humiliation, name-calling, disrespect, etc.
  • Financial abuse: This includes any illegal, improper, or unauthorized use of an elderly person’s property, assets, or belongings.
  • Neglect: This refers to the failure of a caregiver to meet an older person’s basic needs. This includes the need for food, water, shelter, hygiene, clothing, and basic medical care.

Who perpetrates elder abuse in Philadelphia?

There is no one demographic that makes up the perpetrators of elder abuse in Philadelphia and throughout Pennsylvania. When conducting their investigations, the attorneys at Solomon, Sherman, Gabay, Briskin & Sherman often discover that perpetrators include the following:

  • Family members of the elderly victim
  • Friends of the elderly person
  • In-home caregivers
  • Nursing home or assisted living facility employees
  • Hospital or medical facility employees

Contact our Philadelphia elder abuse attorney today

If you have been the victim of elder abuse, or if you discover that your elderly family member has been abused, turn to the team at Solomon, Sherman, Gabay, Briskin & Sherman today. Our attorneys have extensive experience handling complex elder abuse cases throughout Pennsylvania, and we want to conduct a complete investigation into your case. Let us help ensure that your loved one receives the compensation and closure they deserve. When you need a Philadelphia elder abuse attorney, you can contact us for a free consultation of your case by clicking here or calling 215-665-1100.

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