Philadelphia, PA Personal Injury Lawyer

Don’t suffer alone. When you’ve experienced an injury due to another’s negligence, get the legal help you need from Solomon, Sherman & Gabay. After a free initial consultation, we will look at your case from every angle to determine the maximum compensation you should receive for your injury. Through either a settlement or trial verdict, the party at fault will be held responsible for appropriate compensation to cover your injury-related losses including medical expenses and lost wages.


Personal injury claims can take a number of different forms including motor vehicle accidents, on-the-job injuries, product defects, and slips and falls. Types of handle include (but are not necessarily limited to) the following:

Motor Vehicle Accidents

Being involved in a motor vehicle accident can have a profound impact on your life. Depending on the severity of your injuries, in the aftermath of such an accident, you could face challenges ranging from unexpected medical bills to prolonged pain and suffering.

How you may go about seeking compensation for these losses can vary based on several factors. For example, Pennsylvania is technically a no-fault state. That means if you are injured in a car accident in our state you would seek compensation for your medical bills and other such losses by filing a claim to recover from your own insurance. Even if your accident resulted from another motorist’s actions or negligence, you would still first seek compensation via your own insurance carrier and policy. You can seek additional compensation from the insurer of the negligent party who caused your accident only if your injuries are severe enough to meet a certain threshold.

This is just one example demonstrating the way in which the process of filing a claim or lawsuit to recover compensation after a Pennsylvania motor vehicle accident can seem confusing if you attempt to do so on your own. Avoid this confusion by hiring our Philadelphia personal injury lawyers to handle your case.

Defective Products Cases

Many types of products have the potential to harm a user if safety instructions are not followed or a user is otherwise reckless. For example, if you fall off a stepladder and injure yourself because you were not paying attention to your footing, you are not necessarily eligible to recover compensation. This is a scenario in which your own negligence resulted in an accident.

However, there are instances when products cause harm because of defects.

Designers must ensure their products are not inherently dangerous to use. Manufacturers must keep an eye out for defects that can result in accidents. Those who market consumer products must ensure consumers are provided with all relevant information pertaining to risks associated with using their products. They must also ensure safety instructions are thorough.

Consumers throughout the country are injured every year because such parties are negligent in some capacity. If you or a loved one has been injured as a result of using a defective product, review your case with our Philadelphia defective products lawyers to learn more about how you may recover compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, and other losses.

Premises Liability Cases

Someone who owns or manages a property must take reasonable steps to ensure it is a safe environment for guests who have a legal right to be there. This involves monitoring the property for hazards that can cause accidents (and instructing employees and other such parties to do the same).

Whenever possible, a hazard should be eliminated or addressed in a timely manner as soon as a property’s owner becomes aware of said hazard. When it is not possible or practical to eliminate a hazard, a property owner should take steps to minimize the chances of the dangerous condition causing harm to others. For example, at a plant that processes chemical waste, while it’s not possible to abandon operations and remove all chemical waste from the property, it is possible to put up warning signs keeping guests away from areas where they may otherwise be exposed to dangerous substances.

Have you been injured on someone else’s property because they did not address a hazard or warn you of a hazard’s presence? If so, our Philadelphia personal injury lawyers will file a claim on your behalf, optimizing your chances of recovering the full amount of compensation for which you may be eligible.


Pursuing the compensation you deserve after being injured in an accident resulting from the negligence of another party can be challenging if you lack the necessary training and experience. This is partially due to the fact that insurance companies often strive to minimize their financial losses when victims file claims.

Strongly consider enlisting the help of a legal professional if you believe you deserve to be compensated for losses/damages resulting from an accident. A qualified Philadelphia personal injury lawyer can assist you by:

Conducting an investigation

Investigating the circumstances of your accident may be necessary for two reasons. One, it’s not always immediately clear whose negligence caused an accident.

For example, perhaps you were injured when using a defective product. The negligent party in this scenario could be the product’s:

  • Designer
  • Manufacturer
  • Marketer/retailer

Before filing a claim or lawsuit, you must first accurately identify the liable parties. We can leverage the resources of our Philadelphia personal injury law firm to investigate your accident and determine who may be responsible for compensating you.

Secondly, even if you believe you’ve correctly identified the negligent parties, an insurance company may nevertheless deny your claim if you fail to provide sufficient evidence indicating you were injured due to unreasonable negligence. Our investigators can gather the evidence you need to show that you are eligible to receive compensation.

Adding up your losses

When hiring a Philadelphia personal injury lawyer, understand that it’s unethical for a lawyer to guarantee you will collect a specific sum of money when your case is resolved. You shouldn’t trust a lawyer who promises a definite settlement.

That said, you also can’t trust an insurance company to tell you precisely how much money you deserve to receive based on the total value of all your compensable losses. If you attempt to pursue compensation on your own, there is a very good chance the insurance company will lowball you, understanding that you may not have the expertise necessary to account for all your compensable losses when determining how much compensation you should ask for.

This is another reason to hire a lawyer. Our Philadelphia personal injury lawyers are prepared to carefully review your losses and damages when putting together a claim. Again, we can’t ethically promise you’ll receive a specific settlement, but we can promise to thoroughly account for the full extent and severity of your losses.

It’s also worth noting that you’re not taking on any financial risk when you hire us. We enter into contingency fee agreements with our clients, meaning you won’t pay any legal fees unless we succeed in recovering compensation for you.

Our fee will be a percentage of the compensation you receive. This incentivizes us to negotiate for a proper settlement instead of merely accepting the first offer an insurance company makes if their offer is unreasonably low. It also incentivizes us to provide an honest assessment of your case’s merits during your initial consultation.

We give each case the individual attention it deserves. We take care of your case so you can take care of yourself. Get peace of mind so you can heal quickly, unhindered by legal and financial worries. We have successfully managed thousands of personal injury claims throughout Pennsylvania. Let us assert your rights and recover your losses.

Call 215-665-1100 Today To Set Up A Free Consultation.