Philadelphia, PA Dog Bite Attorney

Dogs have incredibly powerful jaws that can inflict severe injuries on residents and visitors in Philadelphia. If you or somebody you care about has sustained a dog bite injury, you can count on the team at Solomon, Sherman & Gabay to stand by your side. Our Philadelphia dog bite attorneys have experience handling complex cases like this, and we have no problem taking on aggressive insurance carriers so that we can secure the compensation you are entitled to for your injuries and other losses.

Dog bite injuries are often severe

Dogs can inflict significant injuries on their victims. According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), we can see that around 800,000 people seek medical attention each year because of a dog bite in the United States. Statistics show us that nearly 2,400 people are bitten by dogs each day in this country, and 50% of all dog bite injury victims are children.

Injuries caused by these incidents vary widely, and the premises liability attorney in Philadelphia at Solomon, Sherman & Gabay regularly helps clients who have sustained the following:

  • Puncture wounds or lacerations
  • Amputations of the fingers
  • Crushed or broken bones
  • Avulsions of the skin
  • Significant blood loss
  • Severed veins, arteries, tendons, or ligaments
  • Infections
  • Significant scarring or disfigurement

Understanding Pennsylvania dog bite laws

There are various aspects of Pennsylvania’s dog bite laws that victims need to be aware of. The Commonwealth does operate under a form of “strict liability” in these cases. If a dog attacks somebody in Philadelphia, then the dog’s owner will have to pay the victim’s medical costs, regardless of whether or not the dog had ever shown a propensity to be aggressive or been anybody before. When the strict liability dog bylaw is applied in Philadelphia, the dog owner will only have to pay the medical costs of the victim. The owner will not be responsible for any other damages, including lost income or payment suffering damages.

If the dog owner’s negligence contributed to the dog bite incident, then the victim may be able to file a lawsuit against the dog owner in order to recover more than just medical expenses. In order to recover additional types of compensation, including the lost wages and pain and suffering damages mentioned above, there are certain rules about what it takes to win the case. In general, the victim of the incident needs to prove that the dog owner:

  • Knew that the dog had “unmistakably vicious tendencies,” and
  • Neglected to properly control the dog

Contact our Philadelphia dog bite attorney now

If you or somebody you care about has been bitten and injured by a dog in or around the Philadelphia area, let the team at Solomon, Sherman & Gabay help you today. Our attorneys have extensive experience handling complex personal injury cases, and we will use our resources to investigate every aspect of your claim. Let us investigate your case so we can determine liability and secure full compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering damages, and more. When you need a Philadelphia dog bite attorney, you can contact us for a free consultation of your case by clicking here or calling 215-665-1100.

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