Montgomery County Bicycle Accident Attorney

Using a bicycle instead of a motor vehicle to get around Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, is a very health-conscious and eco-friendly decision. Just remember that being involved in a bicycle accident could leave you with major injuries.

Review your case with our Montgomery County bicycle accident attorneys at Solomon, Sherman & Gabay if you’re ever harmed in a bike accident that may have been caused by a negligent driver or other such party. If you are eligible for financial compensation, we can help you recover it.

The Potential Impacts of a Montgomery County Bicycle Accident

Being involved in any type of accident with a motor vehicle can result in potentially serious injuries. That said, if you are involved in an accident while riding a bicycle, your odds of being significantly harmed may be greater than they would have been if you were in a car or other sort of enclosed vehicle at the time of the accident.

A car has a metal frame that can protect you from the full impact of a collision and prevent you from being ejected onto the road. A bicycle does not offer this degree of protection.

The injuries you might sustain in a Montgomery County bicycle accident may vary depending on a number of factors. Common bicycle accident injuries include (but are not limited to) the following:

Such injuries will likely require substantial medical treatment. You might not be prepared to pay for said treatment on your own. You also may not have to.

How a Montgomery County Bicycle Accident Attorney Helps

Do you have any reason to believe your bicycle accident occurred because another party was negligent in some capacity? Schedule a consultation with the experts at a Montgomery County bicycle accident law firm if so. It’s possible you can seek compensation for your medical bills and other losses, such as lost wages. You may do so by filing a claim or lawsuit to collect from the insurer of the negligent party responsible for injuring you. A qualified professional will review your case for free and explain whether you have grounds to take legal action.

They will also provide aggressive representation if you do choose to file a claim or lawsuit. Unfortunately, it’s not common for insurance companies and liable parties to immediately offer the full amount of compensation a victim may be seeking after an accident. They will instead try to convince a victim their claim is not worth very much money. If they can get away with it, an insurer might even deny a claim altogether.

You don’t need to be taken advantage of during what is already likely to be a challenging time. A Montgomery County bicycle accident lawyer will negotiate with the insurance companies and allow you to focus on your recovery while they handle your case.

Contact a Montgomery County Bicycle Accident Attorney Today

We at Solomon, Sherman & Gabay know that being harmed in a bicycle accident resulting from someone else’s negligence can be a very devastating experience. We want to help by offering strong legal representation. Learn more about what we can do for you by calling us at 215-665-1100 or contacting us online to schedule your free consultation.