Levittown Truck Accident Attorney

Any type of motor vehicle collision has the potential to leave you with serious injuries. However, your odds of sustaining major injuries will typically be greater if your accident involves a large truck or similar vehicle.

Have you been injured in such an accident? Or, has a loved one lost their life as a result of a collision with a truck?

If the accident resulted from the negligence of another party, you may be able to recover compensation for such losses as medical bills, lost wages, reasonable funeral and burial expenses, and more.

At Solomon, Sherman & Gabay, our Levittown, Pennsylvania truck accident attorneys are prepared to review your case and discuss your legal options. If you have grounds to file a claim and you choose to hire us, we will fight aggressively for the compensation you deserve.

Consequences of a Levittown Truck Accident

Serious injuries a victim might sustain in an accident involving a large commercial truck include (but are not necessarily limited to) the following:

Being harmed in a major collision with a truck will leave you in need of costly medical treatment. It’s also likely that you won’t be able to return to work and earn wages until you recover from your injuries.

Unfortunately, truck accident victims can sustain injuries so severe that they prevent them from ever making full recoveries. If you’ve been catastrophically harmed as a result of a truck accident, you may never be able to find gainful employment again, and you might be in need of lifelong care.

It’s also possible a loved one has been killed in a truck accident. Along with the emotional pain you will experience as you cope with the loss, you may have to adjust to life without their income, household services, and more.

How a Levittown Truck Accident Attorney Can Help You Seek Compensation

You can seek compensation for losses resulting from a truck accident if said accident was caused by a negligent party. Pursuing what you are owed will typically involve filing a claim to collect from the negligent party’s insurance.

Strongly consider enlisting the help of our Levittown truck accident law firm when doing so. We can assist you in the following critical ways:

  • Conducting a thorough investigation to identify all liable parties
  • Gathering evidence to prove you were harmed or a loved one lost their life because someone else was careless
  • Accounting for your various compensable losses to determine how much compensation you may be eligible to recover
  • Filing a claim, corresponding with the insurance company, and handling all other administrative tasks
  • Rejecting unreasonably low settlement offers and negotiating aggressively for a fair settlement on your behalf

Contact a Levittown Truck Accident Attorney

Don’t add to your burdens by attempting to recover compensation on your own after being harmed or losing a loved one in a truck accident. Our Levittown truck accident attorneys at Solomon, Sherman & Gabay will handle your case while you focus on your recovery. Get started today by contacting us online or calling us at 215-665-1100 for a free consultation.