Chester County Construction Accident Attorney

The work that employees in the construction industry perform plays a significant role in providing residents of Chester County, Pennsylvania and the surrounding areas with places in which to live, work, participate in recreational activities, receive medical care, and much more. Unfortunately, these critical workers are often at greater risk of being harmed in work-related accidents than most others.

Being harmed in a construction accident can result in injuries that require costly medical treatment. These injuries might also prevent a victim from returning to work, at least until they make a proper recovery.

You don’t need to absorb the cost of these losses if you are injured in an on-the-job construction accident. In most instances, you can file a claim to collect workers’ compensation benefits.

Hire a Chester County construction accident attorney if you plan on doing so. Even if you have a valid claim, an insurance company might attempt to convince you to settle for less than you deserve. Our team of Chester County construction accident lawyers at Solomon, Sherman & Gabay will offer proper representation to maximize your odds of securing the full amount of compensation that you are eligible for.

Filing a Workers’ Compensation Claim After a Chester County Construction Accident

Those who have not been injured in on-the-job accidents before often aren’t familiar with the ways in which filing a workers’ compensation claim can differ from filing a personal injury claim.

A person can file a personal injury claim or lawsuit only if they are able to provide evidence showing they were harmed because another party was negligent. This can impact their ability to secure any money at all. If an accident was a random occurrence outside of work that did not result from anyone in particular’s carelessness, a victim likely won’t be eligible for a payout.

That’s not the case in Pennsylvania when you are injured in a construction accident at work. Although there are certain factors that can potentially limit your ability to recover compensation, such as whether you were intoxicated when the accident occurred, in general, if an on-the-job accident happened while you were operating in your role as an employee, you have grounds to seek workers’ compensation benefits. This is true regardless of whether someone else’s negligence played a role in your accident.

This doesn’t necessarily mean securing all the compensation to which you may be entitled after a construction accident is easy if you don’t have experience negotiating with insurance companies. Because an insurance adjuster might seek reasons to deny your claim or at least offer unreasonably low settlements, you need to enlist the help of experts at a Chester County construction accident law firm who are qualified to stand up for your rights.

Contact a Chester County Construction Accident Attorney

You should not have to burden yourself with the claims process while also being taken advantage of by an insurance company after being harmed in a construction accident. Our lawyers at Solomon, Sherman & Gabay will handle your case so that you can focus on making a proper recovery. Contact us online or call us at 215-665-1100 to schedule your free consultation today.