Bucks County Construction Accident Attorney

Have you or a loved one been injured in a Bucks County, Pennsylvania construction accident? Prioritize meeting with a Bucks County construction accident attorney as soon as possible if so. Under Pennsylvania law, there is a good chance you can file a workers’ compensation claim to help you cover the costs of medical bills and related losses. Our experts at Solomon, Sherman & Gabay will review your case and help you better understand your legal rights.

The Devastating Impacts of Construction Accidents

Being involved in a construction accident in Bucks County, PA can have a major impact on both your immediate and long-term quality of life. Although there are some instances when the victims of construction accidents only sustain relatively minor injuries, it’s not uncommon for such accidents to cause major injuries like:

Those are just a few examples. At the very least, if you are seriously injured when working at a construction site, you will be left facing potentially costly medical bills. You might also have to stay home from work until you thoroughly recover.

Some construction accident victims never do fully recover to a degree that allows them to continue working. This will naturally impact their ability to earn an income.

That’s not to mention the various other struggles that a victim’s injuries may cause. For example, if someone sustains a brain injury, their cognition might be permanently limited as a result.

No amount of money can fully undo the harm caused by a construction accident. That said, if you are injured in any capacity while working in construction, you must know that you have the right to seek compensation for certain losses.

Filing a Workers’ Compensation Claim After a Bucks County Construction Accident

If you serve as a construction worker in Pennsylvania it is virtually guaranteed that your employer is required by law to purchase workers’ compensation insurance. Employers must make workers’ compensation benefits available to employees if they are injured on the job.

Filing a workers’ compensation claim is also slightly unique when compared to filing a personal injury claim or lawsuit. If you are injured outside of the workplace, you can typically only recover compensation for your losses if your accident resulted from negligence. If you don’t have evidence showing your accident wasn’t nothing more than a random occurrence for which no one is to blame, you are not eligible to receive a payout.

Workplace accident cases are different. If you were operating as an employee when harmed in a construction accident, it doesn’t matter whether the accident happened because someone else was careless. You are still eligible to file a workers’ compensation claim.

Just be aware that insurance companies often try to deny these claims or offer unreasonably low settlement amounts. This is among several reasons it is wise to hire a Bucks County construction accident lawyer. While you focus on your recovery, your lawyer will handle your case, negotiating with the insurance company for a fair settlement on your behalf.

Contact a Bucks County Construction Accident Lawyer Today

Don’t jeopardize your odds of receiving proper compensation after being injured in a construction accident. Enlist the help of our team at Solomon, Sherman & Gabay to protect your rights. Learn more about how we can help by calling our offices at 215-665-1100 or contacting us online to schedule your free consultation today.