Car Accident

Philadelphia Car Accident Stats: A Deep Dive by Solomon Sherman

Navigating the bustling streets of Philadelphia, it’s evident that road safety is a pressing concern. As a dedicated Philadelphia Car Accident Lawyer, Solomon Sherman is committed to informing residents about the latest statistics and advocating for safer roads. Here’s a comprehensive overview of car accidents in Philadelphia County in 2021.

Car Accidents in Numbers

In 2021, Philadelphia County witnessed a staggering 10,417 car accidents. Broken down, that’s an average of 28 accidents every single day. Alarmingly, of these accidents, 63% resulted in injury or death. This statistic underscores the urgency to address road safety and promote proactive measures.

Fatal Crashes: A Regional Perspective

Philadelphia County’s roads can be particularly perilous. In fact, 11.1% of all fatal crashes in Pennsylvania occurred right here in this county. This disproportionate representation highlights the need for heightened attention to local road safety measures.

When are Accidents Most Likely?

If you’re wondering when you should be extra vigilant on the road, take note. The most common time of day for car accidents in Philadelphia is between 3 PM and 6 PM. This peak traffic time, often associated with the end of the workday, poses heightened risks. As for the most accident-prone day? Friday takes that dubious honor. Perhaps the anticipation of the weekend or the rush to get home exacerbates driving risks.

Types & Causes of Accidents

As a seasoned Philadelphia Car Accident Lawyers, Solomon Sherman has observed that rear-end collisions are the most frequent type of accident in the city. Such incidents often result from tailgating, sudden stops, or distractions.

Diving deeper into causative factors, the top three culprits behind car accidents in Philadelphia are:

  • Distracted driving
  • Speeding
  • Impaired driving

Awareness of these causes is essential as residents can take steps to mitigate these risks by adopting safer driving practices.

Vulnerable Road Users

The statistics shed light on those most at risk on Philadelphia’s streets. Pedestrians, often navigating the busy sidewalks and crosswalks, are the most vulnerable. They account for a harrowing 41% of traffic fatalities. The urban layout of the city, combined with distracted or impatient drivers, creates a precarious environment for those on foot.

Cyclists, too, face significant hazards. Representing 4% of traffic fatalities, they highlight the importance of dedicated bike lanes and heightened driver awareness.

Reach Out for Assistance

If you or a loved one have been affected by a car accident in Philadelphia, it’s crucial to consult with a knowledgeable professional who understands the intricacies of local traffic laws and can provide guidance. As trusted Philadelphia Car Accident Lawyers, Solomon Sherman are dedicated to offering the assistance and guidance you need.

Contact Us: For any concerns or representation related to car accidents in Philadelphia, please reach out at 215-665-1100. We’re here to help, ensuring that the residents of our beloved city receive the support and justice they deserve.